Regenerative Aesthetics

Regenerative medicine for aesthetics involves using advanced techniques to rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of the skin. By harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities, these methods aim to improve skin texture, tone, and reduce signs of aging, providing potential alternatives to traditional cosmetic treatments. Aesthetics Concierge of Texas uses techniques like PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), Biofiller, and exosomes for anti-aging, hair, and sexual wellness benefits. The patient’s blood is draw and spun in a centrifuge in order to obtain the PRF layer to be used for injections.

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of regenerative medicine, overshadowing its predecessor, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), in terms of effectiveness. This innovative treatment is replacing steroid injections due to its enhanced safety profile and more enduring outcomes.

The typical PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) product generally exhibits 2-5 times the platelet concentration found naturally in the body, whereas PRF boasts at least 10 times this concentration. PRF represents the evolving frontier of platelet-derived regenerative medicine products. 

benefits of using topical exosomes in skincare:


Cellular Communication: Exosomes contain signaling molecules that can communicate with skin cells, promoting cellular communication and potentially enhancing various skin functions, such as collagen production, hydration, and repair.

Regenerative Properties: Exosomes derived from stem cells or other regenerative cell sources possess regenerative properties that help improve skin texture, firmness, and elasticity. They also aid in wound healing and reducing the appearance of scars.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Research suggests that exosomes have anti-inflammatory effects, which is be beneficial for soothing irritated or inflamed skin conditions such as acne, eczema, or rosacea.

Antioxidant Activity: Exosomes contain antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can contribute to skin aging and damage. By reducing oxidative stress, exosomes help improve overall skin health and appearance.

Enhanced Delivery of Active Ingredients: Exosomes serve as natural delivery vehicles for other skincare ingredients, improving their penetration into the skin and enhancing their efficacy. This property can be particularly useful for delivering ingredients with large molecular sizes or poor skin penetration properties.

Customization: Exosomes can be isolated from various cell types, allowing for customization based on specific skincare needs. For example, exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells have different properties compared to those from fibroblasts, offering versatility in skincare formulations.

Biocompatibility: Exosomes are naturally occurring vesicles in the body, making them biocompatible and less likely to cause adverse reactions or sensitivities compared to some synthetic skincare ingredients.


Regenerative Potential: Exosomes contain bioactive molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids that can modulate cellular processes. When injected into damaged or diseased tissues, exosomes may promote tissue repair and regeneration by stimulating cellular proliferation, differentiation, and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels).

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Exosomes derived from certain cell types, such as mesenchymal stem cells, have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Injected exosomes may help modulate immune responses and reduce inflammation in conditions such as arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory skin disorders.

Tissue Repair and Wound Healing: Exosomes can accelerate wound healing by promoting cell migration, proliferation, and extracellular matrix synthesis. Injected exosomes may be beneficial in treating chronic wounds, burns, and other injuries by enhancing tissue regeneration and reducing scarring.

Provided by Natalie Ray, APRN, CRNA-BC licensed provider with the Cellular Medicine Association.

regenerative aesthetics at aesthetics concierge of texas


All natural face and neck rejuvenation


PRP/PRF + Biofiller + Exosomes

PRF, Biofill, exosomes are used to rejuvenate skin and replace lost volume in any 2 areas of body: face, neck, chest, hands, back of elbows, knees, (additional areas $400 each at same time of treatment) 

All natural face and neck rejuvenation



PRF used to rejuvenate skin in any 2 areas of body: face, neck, chest, hands, back of elbows, knees, (additional areas $350 each at same time of treatment)

natural rejuvenation promotion with PRF, biofiller and exosomes


For a limited time only, we are offering $500 OFF for our Signature Total U: Face and Neck ALL NATURAL rejuvenation

Total U all natural face and neck rejuvenation: PRF, Biofill, exosomes are used to rejuvenate skin and replace lost volume in any 2 areas of body: face, neck, chest, hands, back of elbows, knees, (additional areas $400 each at same time of treatment) 

🚨 Total savings of $500! 🚨

natural rejuvenation promotion with PRF, biofiller and exosomes
Provided by Natalie Ray, APRN, CRNA-BC licensed provider with the Cellular Medicine Association.
🌼 PRF Vampire Facial ®- $1,100 
✨ Reveal Youthful, Glowing Skin
✨ Say Farewell to Fine Lines and Wrinkles
✨ Enjoy a More Even, Silky Complexion
✨ Experience the Safest, Painless Procedure
Why wait when you can take the first step toward a more radiant you? Secure your PRF session today!
Click below to book 👇



PRP/PRF + Biofiller + Exosomes + Thread Lift

$3,400 – 90 min ($250 deposit required)


Tixel + PRP/PRF + Exosomes

3 sessions for $2,600 – 90 min ($250 deposit required)


Thread Lift + Biofiller + PRP/PRF

$3,400 – 90 min ($250 deposit required)


Thread Lift + Biofiller + PRP/PRF

$3,400 – 90 min ($250 deposit required)



Regenerative Aesthetics is an interdisciplinary approach that combines principles from regenerative medicine and aesthetics. Regenerative medicine involves harnessing the body’s natural healing mechanisms to restore damaged or aging tissues. Stem cells, growth factors, and other advanced techniques are often used to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration.

In the context of aesthetics, Regenerative Aesthetics goes beyond the traditional focus on surface-level beauty enhancements. Instead, it aims to address the underlying factors that contribute to the aging process, such as loss of volume, elasticity, and skin quality. This approach acknowledges that true beauty is not just skin deep; it’s influenced by the health and vitality of the underlying tissues.


Here at Aesthetics Concierge of Texas, we utilize regenerative medicine in the form of PRF, biofill, and exosomes


platelet rich fibrin has many applications in regenerative medicine. PRF is the part of your blood that is rich with growth factors. Growth factors stimulate cell proliferation, meaning they enable your skin, fat, and bone to regenerate in the areas they are placed. In order to extract a concentrated amount of these growth factors, we draw four small tubes of blood and then use a centrifuge to isolate these growth factors. We then inject these back into the specific areas of your body where you need regeneration, such as the face, neck, chest, hands, knees, etc.


By extracting and heating plasma from 4 small tubes of blood drawn from the patient, we are able to make an albumin gel which is used as a natural filler (in the face, neck, chest, hands) to restore fat and volume that has been lost with aging. We mix the albumin gel with PRF and exosomes to give the added benefit of the concentrated growth factors, which enable your cells to rejuvenate skin, fat, and bone for a natural, long lasting result.  


Exosomes are tiny extracellular vesicles which facilitate damaged and older cells to “reprogram” themselves to restore more optimal function.  These are utilized on their own, or mixed with PRF for a synergistic anti-aging effect. Exosomes are either injected or applied topically to promote skin, tissue, and hair regeneration.

It’s important to note that Regenerative Aesthetics is an evolving field, and research and clinical practices continue to advance. Patients interested in exploring this approach should consult with qualified medical professionals who specialize in both regenerative medicine and aesthetic procedures to ensure safety and efficacy. Our qualified Nurse Practitioner Natalie Ray provides these treatments

What is PRF?

PRF stands for “Platelet-Rich Fibrin,” and it is a technique used in aesthetic medicine for skin rejuvenation and tissue regeneration. PRF is an advancement of the more widely known platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Both PRP and PRF utilize components of the patient’s own blood to stimulate healing and tissue rejuvenation, but there are differences in their preparation and application.

How does a PRF treatment work?

  1. Blood Collection: Just like in PRP, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn, usually from the arm. This blood contains platelets, growth factors, and other bioactive proteins that play a crucial role in tissue repair.
  2. Centrifugation: In PRF, the collected blood is centrifuged at lower speeds and without anticoagulants. This results in the separation of the blood components into three layers: red blood cells at the bottom, PRF clot in the middle, and platelet-poor plasma at the top.
  3. PRF Clot Preparation: The PRF clot, which is a fibrin matrix rich in platelets and growth factors, is collected and processed. It appears as a sticky, gel-like substance.
  4. Application: The PRF clot is then applied to the treatment area, such as the face, neck, or hands. It can be injected using fine needles or microcannulas, or applied topically after procedures like microneedling.


What’s the difference between PRP and PRF?

The key differences between PRP and PRF are the centrifugation process and the resulting clot. PRP is typically centrifuged at higher speeds and often involves the use of anticoagulants, resulting in a clear plasma rich in platelets. PRF, on the other hand, involves a slower centrifugation process without anticoagulants, leading to the formation of a fibrin clot along with platelets.


PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) are both regenerative treatments that utilize a patient’s own blood to stimulate tissue healing and rejuvenation. While they share similarities, there are key differences between the two:


    • PRP: PRP involves collecting a small amount of the patient’s blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets, growth factors, and plasma from other blood components. The resulting plasma is then used for treatment.
    • PRF: PRF also involves collecting blood, but the blood is spun at lower speeds compared to PRP. This leads to a different separation process where the platelets and growth factors are encapsulated within a fibrin matrix, creating a thicker and more cohesive substance.

Fibrin Content:

  • PRP: PRP has a liquid consistency due to the separation of platelets and growth factors in a plasma solution.
  • PRF: PRF has a thicker consistency due to the incorporation of fibrin, a natural protein involved in clotting, which helps create a scaffold for the platelets and growth factors.


    • PRP: PRP often requires the addition of an activator, such as calcium chloride, to release the growth factors and initiate the regenerative process.
    • PRF: PRF is typically used without the need for external activators, as the fibrin matrix naturally activates the release of growth factors.


    What are the benefits of PRF?

    The advantages of PRF in aesthetics include:


    1. Sustained Release: The fibrin matrix in PRF allows for a slow and sustained release of growth factors over time, potentially enhancing the longevity of results compared to traditional PRP.
    2. Biocompatibility: PRF uses the patient’s own blood components, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or adverse effects.
    3. Tissue Regeneration: The growth factors and bioactive proteins in PRF can stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and support tissue regeneration, leading to a more youthful appearance.
    4. Minimal Processing: PRF requires less manipulation of blood compared to PRP, which some believe might preserve the natural regenerative properties of the blood components.
    5. Enhanced Healing: PRF can be used to improve the healing process after various aesthetic treatments, such as laser treatments or surgical procedures.

    What is Biofiller?

    Biofillers made from PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) are created by processing a patient’s own blood to extract the platelets, growth factors, and other regenerative components, and then using this material as a natural filler for various cosmetic and aesthetic procedures. Unlike traditional dermal fillers that may contain synthetic substances, biofillers from PRF are derived from the patient’s own blood, making them potentially more biocompatible.


    The process of creating biofillers from PRF involves the following steps:

    Blood Collection: A small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn, similar to the process for PRP or PRF treatments.

    Processing: The blood is centrifuged to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components. The collected PRF is then further processed to create a gel-like consistency.

    Application: The PRF gel is then injected into areas where volume or contour enhancement is desired. This could be areas of the face, hands, or other parts of the body.

    Effects: The growth factors and regenerative properties present in the PRF are believed to stimulate collagen production, improve skin quality, and enhance tissue health, resulting in a natural-looking volumizing effect.

    Biofillers made from PRF are considered to have potential advantages over synthetic fillers because they are autologous (derived from the patient’s own body), which may reduce the risk of allergic reactions or adverse effects. However, the effects of biofillers from PRF are generally more subtle and gradual compared to synthetic fillers.

    What is the difference between Biofiller and Dermal Filler?

    Biofillers and dermal fillers are both used in aesthetic treatments to enhance the appearance of the skin and address issues like volume loss and wrinkles. However, they differ in terms of their composition, source, and application. Here’s a concise comparison:


    • Composition: Derived from natural substances within the patient’s own body, such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) or fat cells.
    • Source: Autologous, sourced from the patient’s own body.
    • Application: PRP can stimulate collagen production, while fat grafting involves transferring fat cells to add volume and contour.
    • Advantages: Biocompatible and natural-looking, potentially reducing allergic reactions. Results may be subtle and temporary.
    • Duration: Results vary; PRP effects may require multiple sessions, and fat grafting can have longer-lasting effects.


    • Composition: Composed of synthetic materials like hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxylapatite.
    • Source: Synthetic and produced in laboratories.
    • Application: Injected to restore volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance contours.
    • Advantages: Offer immediate and longer-lasting results, with a variety of options tailored for specific goals.
    • Safety: Rigorously tested and regulated for safety.


    What are Exosomes?

    Exosomes are small, membrane-bound vesicles that are released by cells as a means of intercellular communication. They play a vital role in transporting molecular signals, genetic information, and various bioactive molecules between cells and tissues throughout the body. Despite their small size, exosomes are incredibly powerful and have gained significant attention in the fields of biology, medicine, and regenerative medicine due to their diverse functions and potential applications.


     Key characteristics of exosomes include:

    Size: Exosomes are nanoscale structures, typically ranging in size from 30 to 150 nanometers. This small size allows them to travel through bodily fluids and interact with various cell types.

    Origin: Exosomes are produced and released by almost all types of cells, including immune cells, stem cells, and various tissue cells. The content of exosomes can vary based on the cell type and the physiological context.

    Composition: Exosomes contain a variety of cargo, including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids (RNA and mRNA), and other bioactive molecules. These cargo components can have important roles in cell signaling, regulation, and modulation of target cells’ behavior.

    Communication: Exosomes act as vehicles for intercellular communication. They can deliver their cargo to nearby or distant cells, influencing cellular activities, immune responses, tissue repair, and other physiological processes.

    Functions: Exosomes play roles in diverse biological processes, including immune response modulation, tissue regeneration, cell growth and differentiation, and the spread of cellular information.


    Exosomes are gaining attention in the field of aesthetics due to their potential to promote skin rejuvenation, enhance the effects of cosmetic procedures, and improve the overall appearance of the skin. While research is ongoing, here are some ways in which exosomes are being explored in the realm of aesthetics:

    Skin Rejuvenation: Exosome-based treatments may promote skin health, collagen production, and overall rejuvenation. Exosomes can deliver growth factors, cytokines, and other bioactive molecules that help improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance the skin’s natural radiance.

    Topical Products: Cosmetic companies are exploring the incorporation of exosome-derived ingredients into skincare products. These products may offer targeted delivery of beneficial factors to the skin, contributing to improved hydration, texture, and tone.

    Enhancing Cosmetic Procedures: Exosomes can potentially be used in conjunction with cosmetic procedures like microneedling, laser treatments, and injectables. By applying exosomes to treated areas, the healing process may be optimized, leading to improved outcomes and reduced downtime.

    Hair Restoration: Exosomes  stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth, and are effective in addressing hair loss and thinning.

    Scar Reduction: Exosomes may play a role in promoting collagen remodeling and tissue regeneration, potentially improving the appearance of scars resulting from surgeries, injuries, or acne.

    Anti-Aging: Exosomes’ ability to deliver growth factors and other rejuvenating molecules has led to their investigation as potential components in anti-aging treatments.


    PRF can be used to treat a variety of areas on the face and body. Here are some common areas that can be treated with PRF.

    PRP/PRF for the Face

    PRP and PRF can be used in various areas of the face to promote skin rejuvenation and improvement in texture and appearance.





    Under-eye area (tear troughs)


    Nasolabial folds (smile lines)

    Around the mouth (marionette lines)

    Lips (for lip rejuvenation)



    PRP/PRF for the Body

    PRP and PRF can be used in various areas of the body for regenerative purposes and tissue enhancement.


    Neck and Décolletage (upper chest area)


    Breasts (for breast rejuvenation)

    Abdomen (for skin rejuvenation)





    Back (for scar reduction or skin rejuvenation)


    In this FAQ section, we will answer some common questions about Regenerative Aesthetics. Whether you’re considering a treatment or just curious about the procedure, this section will provide you with valuable information to help you make an informed decision. 

    Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

    What is Regenerative Aesthetics?

    Regenerative Aesthetics involves innovative treatments that utilize the body’s natural healing mechanisms to enhance the appearance and vitality of the skin and tissues. Techniques like PRF, Biofiller, and exosomes are used to stimulate collagen production, improve texture, and rejuvenate various areas.

    What is PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin)?

    PRF is a regenerative technique that involves processing a patient’s blood to concentrate platelets, growth factors, and other regenerative elements. It’s used to promote tissue repair and rejuvenation in areas like the face, hands, and body, leading to improved skin texture and volume.

    How does Biofiller differ from traditional dermal fillers?

    Biofillers are derived from the patient’s own blood, using PRF as the source material. This makes them potentially more biocompatible and reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Biofillers provide a natural-looking volumizing effect by stimulating collagen production and tissue rejuvenation.

    What are exosomes and how are they used in regenerative aesthetics?

    Exosomes are tiny vesicles containing growth factors and signaling molecules. In regenerative aesthetics, exosomes derived from stem cells are used to promote cellular communication and tissue regeneration. They can enhance the effects of treatments like PRF and Biofiller for even more comprehensive results.

    What areas can be treated with these techniques?
    • Our expert team at Aesthetics Concierge of Texas offers treatments for various areas, including the face, neck, décolletage, hands, and body. These techniques can address concerns such as wrinkles, volume loss, sagging skin, and overall skin rejuvenation.
    Are these treatments safe?
    • Yes, these treatments are generally considered safe when performed by trained and qualified medical professionals. Since PRF and Biofiller use materials from your own body, the risk of adverse reactions is minimized. Exosome treatments also have a favorable safety profile.
    What can I expect during a treatment session?
    • Treatment sessions typically start with a consultation to discuss your goals and assess your suitability for the procedures. During the treatment, a small amount of blood may be drawn for PRF or exosome treatments. The substances are then prepared and carefully injected into the targeted areas. Discomfort is usually minimal and can be managed with topical numbing agents.
    When will I see results?
    • Results vary depending on the specific treatment and individual response. Some improvements may be noticeable shortly after treatment, with continued enhancements over the following weeks as collagen production and tissue regeneration take place.
    How long do the effects of these treatments last?
    •  Results can vary, but many patients enjoy the benefits of these treatments for several months to over a year. Maintenance sessions can help prolong and enhance the effects.
    Are these treatments suitable for everyone?
    • While these treatments are generally safe and effective, not everyone may be an ideal candidate. Our skilled professionals will assess your individual needs and medical history during the consultation to determine the most appropriate approach for you.
    How can I learn more and schedule a consultation?
    • To learn more about the regenerative aesthetics treatments offered at Aesthetics Concierge of Texas and to schedule a personalized consultation, please visit our website or contact our clinic directly. Our team will be happy to answer your questions and help you explore your options for achieving your aesthetic goals using these advanced techniques.

    Delivering exemplary results
